2024Urzhumtseva VUE

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Urzhumtseva, Ludmila / Barchet, Charles / Klaholz, Bruno P. / Urzhumtsev, Alexandre G. Program VUE: analysing distributions of cryo-EM projections using uniform spherical grids. 2024. J. Applied Crystallography, Vol. 57, p. 865-876


Three-dimensional cryo electron microscopy reconstructions are obtained by extracting information from a large number of projections of the object. These projections correspond to different ‘views’ or ‘orientations’, i.e. directions in which these projections show the reconstructed object. Uneven distribution of these views and the presence of dominating preferred orientations may distort the reconstructed spatial images. This work describes the program VUE (views on uniform grids for cryo electron microscopy), designed to study such distributions. Its algorithms, based on uniform virtual grids on a sphere, allow an easy calculation and accurate quantitative analysis of the frequency distribution of the views. The key computational element is the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection of a spherical uniform grid onto a disc. This projection keeps the surface area constant and represents the frequency distribution with no visual bias. Since it has multiple tunable parameters, the program is easily adaptable to individual needs, and to the features of a particular project or of the figure to be produced. It can help identify problems related to an uneven distribution of views. Optionally, it can modify the list of projections, distributing the views more uniformly. The program can also be used as a teaching tool.




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