1979Hayward Radiation

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Hayward, S. B. & Glaeser, R. M. Radiation damage of purple membrane at low temperature. Ultramicroscopy, 1979, 04, 201-210


The intensities of diffracted electron beams for the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium are found to decay exponentially as a function of the accumulated electron exposure, both at room temperature and at -120 degrees C. This permits us to define the "critical dose" Ne(h,k) for the (h,k) diffracted beam, as being the electron exposure (electrons/A2) at which the diffracteed intensity has fallen to e-1 of its initial value. The critical of purple membrane is found to increase from the room temperature value by at least a factor of four when the specimen is maintained at a temperature of -120 degrees C on a liquid-nitrogen-cooled stage. A relationship derived between the critical dose, Ne, and the dose for optimum imaging, Nopt. Both Ne and Nopt depend, of course, upon the spatial frequency, or resolution. The derivation is valid only for the case in which all sources of noise other than quantum fluctuations are neglected. In this case, Nopt approximately equal to 2.5Ne. Finally, Nuclear Track Emulsion plates have been shown to be advantageous for recording high resolution electron diffraction patterns of small (1 micrometer 2) patches of crystalline biological materials.


Radiation damage



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