2024Xu MarkerAuto2

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Xu, Zihe / Li, Hongjia / Wan, Xiaohua / Fernández, Jose-Jesus / Sun, Fei / Zhang, Fa / Han, Renmin. Markerauto2: A fast and robust fully automatic fiducial marker-based tilt series alignment software for electron tomography. 2024. Structure, Vol. 32, p. 1-12


Cryoelectron tomography (cryo-ET) has become an indispensable technology for visualizing in situ biological ultrastructures, where the tilt series alignment is the key step to obtain a high-resolution three-dimensional reconstruction. Specifically, with the advent of high-throughput cryo-ET data collection, there is an increasing demand for high-accuracy and fully automatic tilt series alignment, to enable efficient data processing. Here, we propose Markerauto2, a fast and robust fully automatic software that enables accurate fiducial marker-based tilt series alignment. Markerauto2 implements the following novel pipelines: (1) an accelerated high-precision fiducial marker detection with wavelet multiscale template, (2) an ultra-fast and robust fiducial marker tracking supported by hashed geometric features, (3) a high-angle fiducial marker supplementation strategy to produce more complete tracks, and (4) a precise and robust calibration of projection parameters with group-weighted parameter optimization. Comprehensive experiments conducted on both simulated and real-world datasets demonstrate the robustness, efficiency, and effectiveness of the proposed software.




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